Right in front of our seats - home plate!
A week ago, last Saturday, Felipe and I had the pleasure of using the Yankees tickets from his work. That is, the Yankees tickets right behind home plate, row 1, food and drinks included.....awesome!
So when the tickets are not claimed for use with clients they sometimes give them up for employees to use - they don't want the seats to go empty, and Felipe had the fortune of getting last Saturday's tickets, along with another of his coworkers and another guest. I suppose the tickets were maybe available because no one wants to take a client to a baseball game in the 110 degree searing heat...but we managed to survive it!
The tickets were not only the best location ever, but they were part of the Legend's Suite, which included all food and non-alcoholic beverages. So first we had a bit of brunch in their fine dining restaurant that had all sorts of display cooking and foods of all types. Super delicious!
Felipe enjoying brunch before the game.
Another view of one of their food selection displays.
As you leave the Legends restaurant and bar you are greeted with a wall of treats for the taking - cracker jacks, peanuts, gummi bears and more...yes please!
The view from our seats. No zoom.
Take me out to the ball game - buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks!
We had a pretty good view of any batter up, and any of the opposing teams players warming up for at bat. The Yankees were playing against the Oakland A's, so here's a shot of Hideki Matsui warming up before he goes to bat.
Matsui at bat. Can you imagine being the umpire or the catcher, with all that gear on in the sun, in 110 degree heat? jeez...
Derek Jeter warming up for at bat.
Derek Jeter at bat. Check out that pitcher - no wonder those baseballs fly at 97 mph!
Felipe and his coworker Fahd.
Felipe and I. You can't see her, but the woman sitting right next to me was something like seven months pregnant...I don't know how she could handle the heat either! At least beverages were free, so we were able to stay hydrated with as much bottled water or sodas as we wanted or needed.
From Left to right: Bench Coach Tony Pena, GM Joe Girardi, unknown, Outfielder Brett Gardner.
Derek Jeter again.
Robinson Cano warming up for at bat.
We really enjoyed the game, it would be difficult not to enjoy it with the seats we had. In the end the Yankees lost to the A's, unlike the night before where they killed them. I think the heat really affected the way the game went. I can't imagine how difficult it is to hold on to the baseball and pitch it well when every inch of your skin is sweating. I'm not sure that Felipe and I will ever have another chance to enjoy seats like that either, so we stayed for every minute of it, and loved it.
After getting home we took a much need super cold shower and parked on the couch to watch a replay of the game - we had to see if we were ever visible on television :) Plus we were wiped out from the heat. Well after quite some time of watching we got this shot of us sitting in the first row, right behind Derek Jeter between pitches. You can see Felipe with the striped baseball cap and me with the panama hat. So fun!