Saturday, August 10, 2013

Escriba - An amazing chocolate shop in Barcelona

Escriba 1
While walking down La Rambla (yes, I kind of convinced my poor family in Barcelona to brave the touristy areas just so I could go back), we found this terrific, historied chocalatier - Escriba.  This shop has been in operation since 1906, and you could tell by the beautiful details of the shop itself.

Escriba 3

Escriba 4

Escriba 5
I had a really delicious hot chocolate with violet.  Anyone who knows me, knows my affinity for violet flavored confections, and this did not disappoint!

Escriba 6
King cakes for the upcoming Three Kinds Day.

Escriba 7
A confectionary window display.

Carrer de Rambla de las Flors 83
08001 Barelona
Tel: 93.301.60.27

Familia de Barcelona

Bruno 3

While Bruno is much bigger now at 9 months old, he was a tiny tiny one at one month!  Bruno was just out of the hospital a few days before we left to come back, and so I had some photographing to catch up on (since we had much more time with his brother Eric).

Bruno 4

Bruno 2

Bruno 1

Can't wait to see Bruno and Eric again in a few weeks...they are just the cutest nephews one could ask for!  Here are a couple of more recent photos of the two of them (courtesy of my mother-in-law):


Just look at those smiles!

Barcelona - Gothic Details

Gothic BCN Details 7

Gothic BCN Details 6

Gothic BCN Details 5

Gothic BCN Details 4

Gothic BCN Details 3

Gothic BCN Details 2

Gothic BCN Details 1
So many great details.  How many faces are looking over you when you walk through the streets of the Gothic part of town?

Long Shadows BCN
Long shadows at the end of our long walk.  I love this city!

How do you know when you are behind in blogging?


You know you are behind when you haven't posted photos from a trip to Barcelona that you took 8 months ago, three weeks before your next visit there!  What happened to the time?!  Well, here are a few shots from around Barcelona - the Boqueria (this post), some gothic details of the city (posts to come) and family (posts to come).  Whoa boy do I have some catching up to do!


Boqueria 1

Boqueria 2

Boqueria 3

Boqueria 4
We wish we could find these in NYC...

Boqueria 5

Boqueria 6

Boqueria 7

Boqueria 8
Say hello to the juiceman!