Friday, October 18, 2013

It's Good to Live it Again




Not much needs to be said here, the landscape speaks for itself.  It's that wonderful time of year, where the colors start to peek through, the air cools down, and the moon at night seems to shine brighter.  We've arrived, to autumn in New York...

Aaron Curry Sculptures - Melt to Earth

A Curry Sculpture 1
A kind of "self-portrait" silhouette in one of the sculptures.

Last weekend I noticed some sculptures had been placed in the Lincoln Center plaza, around the fountain and I snapped a few photos.  I happened to be walking by again this evening and took a closer look.  The sculptures are by a Californian artist by the name of Aaron Curry.  The New York Times wrote an interesting article about the exhibition (here).

A Curry Sculpture 3

A Curry Sculpture 2

A Curry Signature

I took a few photos last saturday as well, although they are a bit busier, as I didn't have my 50mm lens with me that day.  I like how colorful they are and how they really stand out against the lines of the architecture for the Lincoln Center buildings.

A Curry Sculpture 5

A Curry Sculptures

A Curry Sculpture 4