Friday, July 10, 2009

Owen Park, Madison WI

Owen Park

On Monday, Felipe and I took a stop in Owen Park here in Madison. It's a really peaceful little park off of Old Sauk Road in the neighborhood where I grew up. We were there only briefly, but took a nice walk around the prairie land they have there, and I snapped a few photos with my iPhone.

Owen Woods 1
Here if you look closely you can see this itty bitty bunny that we encountered on the path...super cute!

Owen Woods 2
Owen Woods 3
Owen Woods 4
Owen Woods 5
Owen Woods 6
Owen Woods 7

There were all sorts of flowers in bloom and the plants were beautiful. I used to walk here from our house when I was a kid - sometimes after school. I remember one year too we took a field trip there from my elementary school across the street and my dad came along. What a wonderful park, a real gem in the city.

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