Monday, May 17, 2010

Scenes From the Weekend (or seens)

Martinis with Mike.

We've had a couple of lazy/busy weekends. You know the kind where you are busy because you are doing something each day with a different people, but lazy because you also have time to relax and recuperate from the week. So I guess it was a week ago last Saturday that we had dinner and drinks with our friend Mike (yes, I'm that behind). We had dinner at a little Brazilian restaurant in Hells Kitchen and then martinis across the street. I like the martinis better than the restaurant...

Henry Street
Henry Street.

Saturday night of this week we met a couple of Felipe's Spanish friends at a restaurant on the lower east side - a place called Broadway East. This pic is of the view looking towards Henry Street from East Broadway. It was a beautiful evening, the company was fun, and the food was good. I even got to practice my Spanish a bit (seriamente, solo un poco...).

Sheeps Meadow CP 051610
Sheeps Meadow on a Sunday Afternoon.

Sunday was another wonderfully sunny day and a very comfortable mid-seventies temperature. We spent a bit of time in Central Park, which was full to the brim on account of the nice weather and the thousands of people from the 2010 AIDS Walk.

Overall, a nice couple of weekends... Alas, next weekend Felipe will be in London on business, and I'll have to find something fun to do on my own :D

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Nicole said...
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