Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crazy Fire!

westside fire 7
Holy smokey fire outside our window!

There is some three alarm fire happening just across the street from our building - aparently there is something happening at the Department of Sanitation, and possibly a diesel fuel tank may be on fire!

Westside Fire 1
Felipe and I saw the plume of smoke as we were walking home from some errands. Unfortunately, it was at that time that I remembered that our window was open about a foot and the 20 mph winds were blowing that smoke right towards out building.

Westside fire 2
This is what it looked like when we finally got to near our apartment building.

Westside fire 3
A view from our window.

westside fire 9
Here you can see the fire boats on the water trying to extinguish the fire.


Laura said...

Hmm...that is a surprise for a Saturday morning! How much smoke got in your place?

Silva said...

Just enough to make it smell for a while. We managed to febreeze and fan it out. But the hallway still smells like a fireworks display!