Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Dan3  Dan's Carpet Cleaning

Happy Father's Day! 

Here's dad above at a Sergenian Family picnic years ago (the picnic is next weekend this year!) and a photo of me in a replica "Dan's Carpet Cleaning" shirt that i had made for me and my sisters... just for fun!

As per usual, I miss my dad tons!  And father's day (including the lead up to it) don't help any for me to forget that fact.  But even still, I enjoy a bit of holiday sanctioned reminiscing.  Sometimes I close my eyes, and try to remember really hard how he sounded calling out my middle name when answering the phone.  Or a song comes on my iPod that he used to sing/belt out.  Or like last weekend, when we were at the jazz show and I kind of was hit by this feeling of sadness that he couldn't be there to share it with me...but happiness that he really influenced me in my enjoyment of jazz music. 

It is my hope that everyone can enjoy their relationship as much with their dad, as I did with mine...and I really hope that if you are lucky enough to have your dad around still that you don't forget to really appreciate him every day, and not just on Father's day. 

Thank you to my dad for all that he taught me, and for all that he introduced me to.  And thank you to all the dad's out there that put hard work into raising their children....

On a lighter note, here's a nice 21st century style photo of "Like Father, Like Son" for you from Felipe's parent's visit:
Father and Son

I'm very lucky to have such a terrific father-in-law!  He's super kind and fun to have around.  and one of these days or years I'll master spanish well enough to have a conversation with him that doesn't involve miming ;)
Primitivo at AFH

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Brief Visit from Marcos - Time with Old Friends

David, Marcos and Felipe playing around
David, Marcos and Felipe playing Dominion.

It's always nice when time and circumstance allow for you to spend time with old friends, and we had such an occasion a few weeks ago when some business brought Marcos to New York City for a brief time.  We had one day with Marcos before his business took him away to exciting Long we did what anyone visiting the United states from France would!  Well, he had a couple of things that he wanted to try and get while he was here, and since there are plenty of stores in our area to serve that need, we did a bit of neighborhood shopping. 

After shopping we met David and Nieves...and little baby Ethan, at the Time Warner building for lunch at Landmarc.  After lunch the "party" moved on to our apartment, where we could sit and talk, catch up and not worry about all those special circumstances that come up with a tiny baby :)  We had a chance to play some Dominion, and David and Marcos could pretend for a little while that they were back in college in Paris, playing games in their free time. 

After games we had a nice little stroll through Riverside Park, and in the end parted ways with a mixed feelings - sad that the time could not linger a little while longer, and happy and grateful that we had a brief day in our busy and far apart lives to spend some quality time together. 

David and Ethan
David and Ethan

Nieves and Ethan
Nieves and Ethan

I've meant to post for some time the first few photos I took of David and Nieves with their new little boy...some precious photos from those first few days in the hospital.  He's grown so much since then!
Ethan One

Ethan three

Ethan two

Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome to Summer - Central Park

Central Park 053112 1
The late afternoon sunlight painted a beautiful green landscape yesterday in Central Park.  It has to be one of my favorite settings/scenes in the park.  I love the shadows in this photo, and how the leaves on the Gingko tree look like painted brush strokes.

Central Park 053112 2
A slight angle on my favorite spot.

Central Park 053112 3

Central Park 053112 4
I love the way the light makes the leaves glow.  Beautiful!