Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Dan3  Dan's Carpet Cleaning

Happy Father's Day! 

Here's dad above at a Sergenian Family picnic years ago (the picnic is next weekend this year!) and a photo of me in a replica "Dan's Carpet Cleaning" shirt that i had made for me and my sisters... just for fun!

As per usual, I miss my dad tons!  And father's day (including the lead up to it) don't help any for me to forget that fact.  But even still, I enjoy a bit of holiday sanctioned reminiscing.  Sometimes I close my eyes, and try to remember really hard how he sounded calling out my middle name when answering the phone.  Or a song comes on my iPod that he used to sing/belt out.  Or like last weekend, when we were at the jazz show and I kind of was hit by this feeling of sadness that he couldn't be there to share it with me...but happiness that he really influenced me in my enjoyment of jazz music. 

It is my hope that everyone can enjoy their relationship as much with their dad, as I did with mine...and I really hope that if you are lucky enough to have your dad around still that you don't forget to really appreciate him every day, and not just on Father's day. 

Thank you to my dad for all that he taught me, and for all that he introduced me to.  And thank you to all the dad's out there that put hard work into raising their children....

On a lighter note, here's a nice 21st century style photo of "Like Father, Like Son" for you from Felipe's parent's visit:
Father and Son

I'm very lucky to have such a terrific father-in-law!  He's super kind and fun to have around.  and one of these days or years I'll master spanish well enough to have a conversation with him that doesn't involve miming ;)
Primitivo at AFH


Images and Lines said...

Your dad will always be with you and it's great to have such nice memories as you do have. The photos are really sweet, all of them, and your sweet words make this post a very special one. Love you.

PRIMI said...

Gracias, me gusto mucho.. Yo sé que tu padre estaria muy orgulloso de tí, eres dulce y cariñosa y la mejor nuera que uno podría desear. Besos.

Laura said...

What a nice post, my friend!! So fun you had those t-shirts made :). when I visited I remember you saying you can't remember the last time you wore a tshirt - well, here is a time!