Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Behind, so very far behind!

Okay, I know - I'm very far behind in my posts...I have a bunch of photos from our trip to Rio to post! But somehow I've been tied up...I think it's because I got back into my family history project and that has taken up most of my free computer time at home.

Anyway, to tide you over (and to let you know I'm still alive and planning on posting!) here is an awesome find I came across today:

I found this Fantastic Mr. Fox coat on Etsy, and really wish I were a kid, or had a kid I could give it to. How cool is that!

Well, just letting you know I'm still around and will be posting more Rio photos soon! Don't go away...

1 comment:

Images and Lines said...

I wish I were a kid too, do you think they have a mother-in-law's version?