Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sweet Success and Burnt Failure

SUCCESS Tarte tatin
Today I gave it a shot and tried to make the tarte tatin that I learned in class this week - it seemed easy enough! Let's just say I had some success and some failure. Rather than making one large tarte I made two smaller ones, and one turned out great and the other...well not so much as you can see by the photo below.

I followed the recipe intently, and had the same ingredients for both skillets - somehow the second one just didn't work out... But that doesn't mean I won't try again, and maybe someday I can make two without having one look like an over sized hockey puck.

Another thing to note...a cookie sheet with some parchment paper on the rack below the tartes is probably a good idea - we had some spillage onto our baking stone which will have to now burn off (smelly!).

FAIL tarte tatin
I knew this one wasn't going to work when I had it on the stove...somehow the sugar just got too dark, even though it was on the burner for the same amount of time as the first, with the same level of heat.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Real Snowstorm This Time..

NYC Snowman
I took a walk today in the snow - our office was closed and I decided to enjoy the snow a bit instead of spending the entire day working from home. As of this morning they had recorded 17" of snow in Central Park! It's really been snowing all day, so I am curious to see what the total will be by the end of the evening. Right now it looks like a snow globe outside my window. There is nothing quite as nice as walking around in the snow, knowing that you can go back to your home and warm up and dry off.

UPDATE: They are saying that 21" have been recorded in central park...just 5.7" more to go to match the snowfall of the February 2006 snowstorm.

Snowy Street

Man on a Bike

Icicles in the Windows

Taxi Cab in a snow storm

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

French Cooking .... Mmmmm

Tonight I took a cooking "class" at Williams & Sonoma, it was actually more like a demonstration with a really nice meal attached! I didn't do any hands on cooking, but it was nice to see the techniques that the chefs used and get their advice on the recipes. The store is doing a series of cooking classes that feature recipes from a specific cookbook (you get to take the cookbook home - included in the class). Tonight was "Essentials of French Cooking". It was delicious and I can't wait to make the recipes!

Hors d'Oeuvres
Radishes with Whipped Butter and Smoked Salmon with creme fraiche
Radishes with Butter and Sea Salt and Smoked Salmon with Crème Fraiche and Capers in Endive

I wasn't sure how I would like this - as I usually don't eat radishes or smoked salmon, but both were really good. It was very light and refreshing and seems like it's really easy to put together!

Vichysoisse, the classic potato and leek soup served cold. This I could definitely make.

Chicken with Peppers and Olives
Sauteed Chicken with Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, and Olives
This dish was DELICIOUS, and I think Felipe is going to LOVE it. What seemed really nice about it was that you could probably mix it up a bit and tweak the recipe to give it a slightly different flavor. I can't wait to give it a try...

Tart Tatin
Tarte Tatin
Oh man, this one was so yummy, and looks so much easier to make than I thought! I would even venture to say it looked easier than apple pie ;) I picked up a pair of small cast iron pans (I think 6" each), so Felipe may be getting some tarte tatin this weekend...

It was a great class, and I decided I would take another at the end of March - this one will be italian food from one of Giada DeLaurentis' keeps yours eyes open for that one!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Where all your 99¢ Dreams Come True....

99¢ dreams
Passed this store on 46th street, I wonder what dreams could come true in this store....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Four Years...

Happy four years...
Four years ago today I nervously met Felipe for a date at a restaurant in the East Village. As it turns out I had very little to be nervous's been four wonderful years, and I'm looking forward to many more.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Elisa (Felipe's Aunt) and Eda (Felipe's Mom) dancing at the Sambadrome in Rio for Carnaval.

Felipe was born and raised in Sao Paolo Brazil (until he was 16), his mom is originally from Rio de Janiero. Every year Eda and Primitivo go to Rio to spend the summer with her sister Elisa. And every year I wish I were joining them...because they get to do fun stuff like participate in Carnaval! Maybe next year....

It looks like so much fun to participate in such an age old tradition! You can see more of Eda's photos from Carnaval on her flickr site.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Learning to Sketch - A Barn

Barn Sketch 21410
I've decided recently that I would like to learn to sketch. Not fine art, just a little something here and there with pen. I'm starting out with something easy...lines and symmetical shapes, and then will work my way to maybe someday sketching a face or two.

I wanted to try something architectural so I went to flickr and did a photo search for a barn and came up with this photo by Todd Klassy. It was after I sketched it that I realized, looking at the flickr page, that it's a Wisconsin Barn, and that Mr. Klassy and I share a hometown. He's got a lot of nice photos - I suggest you take a look at his website. Anyway, I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Every once in a while I may post a sketch, if I deem it worthy enough for the public (i.e. not a complete disaster!). Please don't laugh too hard!

By the way, there is a sketcher that I enjoy following who you should check out: Gabriel Campanario. And now that I think about it - this desire to learn to sketch has always been around but is most recently prompted by a book I got Felipe for valentine's day called "The City Out My Window" by Matteo Pericolo. It's a book filled with sketched window views looking out on New York City with quotes by the various owners of each view. Click on the link to see some of the sketches and quotes, it's a beautiful book.

Happy Valentine's Day

my heart on a rock / Mi Corazon en Roca

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day - Central Park Style

My Favorite Spot
My favorite spot...

Today we got the snow that was forcasted (unlike last weekend were we had a mere dusting). All public schools are closed, and so are many offices. I had planned on working from home today anyway, so lucky me gets to work still! I did take a little time this morning to take a quick jaunt through Central Park. It was still and quiet, except of course for the doggie play area - which seemed to be full of excited dogs jumping around in the snow.

Central Park

Bethesda Fountain
Bethesda Fountain looking solemn and quiet.

Bethesda Stonework

And one dog that was not jumping around...

Of course all this snow pales in comparison to the snowstorm of February 2006 here in New York city, which dumped a whopping 26.7" of snow in one day:
Central Park Benches 2006

Central Park Snowy Bridge 2006
There was snow up to my knees!

Fifth Avenue Snow 2006
A deserted 5th Avenue

Happy Birthday Marms

Happy Birthday Mariam
Happy Birthday to my sister Mar (on the left). Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!

p.s. - card and gift are late, as usual. Sorry for being a jerk!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Eda!

Happy Birthday Eda
Just to wish my mother-in-law Eda a happy birthday! She's enjoying summer in Rio right now, and Felipe and I wish we were there to celebrate with her!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snapshots from the Past - Backgammon

Backgammon with Grandma
Sometimes I find it hard to really take good pics this time of year - it's really busy at work for me, and the fact that it's still dark so early makes the part of the year a bit uninspiring. Okay, the days are getting a little longer as each one passes, and we have snow coming on maybe I can get some good pics from that. But for right now, I have nothing!

So I decided to pull a snapshot from the past. Here is a photo of my grandmother and I playing backgammon on one of her visits to Wisconsin. I always look forward to getting a set or two of backgammon in with her. I am a pretty fair player, so for the most part I can compete well against her, but there are times that she can really put me to shame! I do recall a visit I made to her in Florida where for the first three days she beat me at every game, all of them! I was finally able to adjust my playing style to have a shot against her, and we had a great time.

I can even remember, quite distinctly, playing a game or two of backgammon with her when I was six years old...sitting at the dining table at our house on Old Middleton Road. I don't know how it was possibly for her to play against a six year old, who barely knew how to play, but I can credit her for being one of my first teachers.

Backgammon has a long history with my family. Both my mom and dad play(ed), my grandma on my mom's side (pictured above), my grandpa on my dad's side (pictured playing with my dad), and my uncle Marty (pictured below), as well as countless other aunts and uncles, and great grandparents I never knew...

My dad and my grandfather playing, circa 1977 I believe. This is the board I now play with - my dad gave it to me in 2007, and I cherish every clack of the dice and pieces against the old wooden board.

Backgammon at the Union
Dad and I playing a game out at the Union Terrace in Madison. Probably the best place to play a game in the summer...

Backgammon with Uncle Marty
A previously posted photo of Uncle Marty and I playing a set. I owe him most for teaching me practically everything I know about the game.

Things That Make Me Happy...Snapshot Edition

Jaws Central Park - April 18, 2008
Afternoon Jazz Session / Sesión de Jazz de tarde Virage, New York City
Refreshing / Refrescante The Turkey - 2009
Vilassar Everyone
Sucess! Saying Hello / Hola

By request from Jana J, Things that make me happy.
From Left to Right, Top to bottom:
1. The love of my life - my husband Felipe. 2. My favorite spot in Central Park (well really all of Central Park makes me happy). 3. Jazz music, I love it (also, music in general...). 4. Dinner at my favorite restaurant - Virage. 5. Yes, Diet Coke. 6. Thanksgiving, it's my favorite holiday. 7. The view of the Mediterranean Sea from my in-law's apartment in Vilassar de Mar, Spain (traveling in general makes me happy!). 8. My family. 9. My friends (I wish I had one photo with every friend, or could include them all...there just isn't enough space!) 10. Taking pictures...I could spend all day with my camera, wandering around.