Saturday, October 20, 2012

Summer Catch up - Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market in Seattle

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

There is one very long, very large wall in an alleyway just outside of Pike's Place Market (Post Alley).  And this wall is covered with some very interesting, very artistic graffiti.  I snapped a few shots of some of the graffiti, some pieces better than others, but overall pretty awesome!

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Graffiti outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

The Gum Wall

Gum Wall outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

The gum wall will soon be celebrating it's 20th birthday - which means there could be as much as twenty years worth of chewed gum hanging on to those bricks!  It's pretty gross when you are up close to it, but apparently quite an attraction - I was not the only one getting photographs!

Gum Wall outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA
Think of it like a disorganized Seurat - lots of tiny dots of color, only they don't make any complete picture when you step back!

And then there was this!
Gum Wall outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

Gum Wall outside of Pike's Place Market, Seattle WA

I swear it wasn't me!  but how funny to come across that on the wall!  Surely it must have been someone with the last name Silva, but none-the-less a bit of a gem among the other "pieces" of art :)

1 comment:

Images and Lines said...

I like that messy kind of art, though the chewing gum wall is really gross. Are you sure you had never been there before?