Saturday, April 13, 2013

Are You for Real?!

Texas 10

Texas 9

This is what I would like to call an "El Paso Portrait" - find the biggest tumbleweed ever, and pose by it while sitting on a rock.  Be sure to get some mountain in the background.  Blue sky is always a nice touch.

But seriously - I've never in my life seen a tumbleweed until this trip.  They're real!  Not just in cartoons and old movies!  So, before the 'tumbleweed collection truck' could come by and scoop it up (I kid you not - there was a truck going around collecting them), we posed for our photos.  This was near the post exchange on Grace's base, and while we were getting our photos some man walked out of the PE, looked at us and said "Are you for real?" in a surprised voice.  Apparently they are not as exciting, and lose some appeal, after you've been in El Paso for three years (is what he told us...).  Sure was exciting for us though!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oh, yes. I'd take photos, too. Obviously. When Lisa and I saw some blowing around CA we were SO EXCITED. But we were on the interstate and could not stop. I am glad you did!