Wednesday, Dec. 16th - The Holiday Party
There was the Department of Medicine holiday party at the Central Park Boathouse. It is something that everyone looks forward to all year long, and certainly provides a good time! The decor was festive, the food was delicious and the drinks definitely appreciated! Above you can see the main dining room all set to go, and below full of the party goers watching the movie that the assistant chief residents put together each year with video skits (this year was the best I have seen...)
And a nice photo with me and my coworker Ashley
Friday, Dec. 18th - The Dinner Party
We had a great dinner party with a bunch of friends from Felipe's old work - not many pics of the food (I'm always too busy preparing to take photos, and then wishing I had some afterward), but here's one of us getting ready to play Beatles Rock Band (super fun! Thanks mom!)
Saturday, Dec. 19th - Work and Snow.
No pics here...I spent a good portion of the day at work wrapping things up before being gone for three weeks...let's hope it's all taken care of so I don't come back to a crazy mess!
We had a huge snowstorm in New York City - with a total recorded snowfall of 11 inches in Central Park. I wish I could have had more time to take a walk and photograph some of the city while it was covered in a nice blanket of snow. The chances of it being as nice when we return are slim.
Sunday, Dec. 20th - Bon Voyage!
Saying Bon Voyage makes me think of embarking on a trip via ship - but no, we took a flight from Newark Airport (surprisingly and thankfully on time without any problems - amazing given the storm the previous day!). Here's a shot of us on the plane and ready to go
(this was just before the family with the crying six month old got on...fortunately I was so exhausted from the week prior I was able to sleep despite this.)
Monday and so on.... (I'm on vacation - I've stopped counting!)
Most of the rest of this week has just been acclimating to the time change, eating and relaxing with family. We've done a bit of grocery shopping - which doesn't sound super exciting, but there is something really fun and interesting when you can spend time perusing the aisles of a grocery store in a country different from your own. No, I won't bore you with pictures of Spanish grocery stores, instead I'll post a few from our afternoon snacks...
Churros and a cortado (espresso with milk)... I find that the chocolate that people usually get with Churros is way to rich for me, and I could really use the caffeine these last two days, so un cortado it is!
Eda and I at the bakery/coffee shop this evening
And the last photo to catch up so far...Bones Festes (Catalan for Merry Christmas!)
More to come later.
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