Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas - Feliz Navidad - Bones Festes

Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad

Merry Christmas to everyone! We did more of our celebrations yesterday with the family here in Barcelona (well...Vilassar really). It was a great time, and I got a couple of nice photos too :D

A nice family portrait
Family Photo 122409

Ana and Sergi opening gifts.

Felipe Festive
Felipe looking festive :D

A new purple sweater
Yay! A new purple sweater!

And then we ate...there were ten of us for dinner (Felipe, me, Eda, Primitivo, Ana and Sergi and then Sergi's family). Eda and I had a fun time preparing for dinner - setting the table and making the food (I did the turkey! and we made a few desserts).

Set table
Felipe's leafSilva

Here is Primitivo carving the turkey
Carving the Turkey

And the desserts:
apple tartChocolate trufflesCinnamon AlmondsFigs

We had so many desserts it was almost diabetes inducing: pave (an egg cream with layers of cookies and dulce de leche on top), some sort of strawberry and whipped cream cake, mini apple tarts, mini chocolate tarts, dark chocolate and coconut truffles, brownies, candy covered almonds and pine nuts, and a chocolate panetone that we didn't even open. And of course wine and cava....

It was a wonderful night, capped by Amigo Invisible (Secret Santa), where we all shared gifts and talked far into the morning.

Merry Christmas to all - I hope your celebrations are merry and that the holidays give you warm memories.


Nicole said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! The food and everything looked delicious.

And I loved the reindeer ears that Felipe sported - very festive!

Sergi Barceló said...

Silva, great turkish in christmas eve...
It was a very good night...
¡Y encima estás aprendiendo español a marchas forzadas!!