Sunday, July 17, 2011

Grand Cayman - Friday

Grand Cayman - Friday 3
The view of the beach from the walkway of our hotel.

Friday was the day of the wedding (pictures of that to follow in another post). We spent the beginning part of the day at the beach and the pool. We had some sun that day too! Above you see the beach from the walkway from our hotel. The hotel was not directly on the beach, but it was only a 50 foot walkway from the pool area to the beach (not bad at all!)

Grand Cayman - Friday 2
A better view of the walk. The night we walked back late (I think it was Thursday night) we encountered a giant iguana in the dark on that path...Felipe tried to tell me it was a "banana leaf", but firstly there are no banana trees around there, secondly it was in the shape of an iguana, and thirdly it was not there the next morning!

Grand Cayman - Friday 1
It was dark, but I bet it was this guy's bigger, badder older brother. Photo by Felipe.

Grand Cayman - Friday 5
A nice view of the beach, not a bad place to lounge!

Grand Cayman - Friday 4
Mike approves!

The guys decided it would be awesome fun to play ultimate frisbee on the beach (in the hot afternoon sun). I am not very good at throwing anythings, so I offered to be the official cheer leader and photographer. Here they are plotting their strategy.

Grand Cayman - Friday 7

Action shots!
Grand Cayman - Friday 8

Grand Cayman - Friday 9

Grand Cayman - Friday 10
Looks like Kevin took a face plant into the sand...

Grand Cayman - Friday 11
Cooling off in the pool afterwards. I believe a few Caybrews were ordered as well!

I have a bunch of video from the ultimate frisbee which I still need to process. I will likely make a video post at the end of the picture posts. So come back for that. Also, the next post will have a few pics from the wedding festivities. Mike...I may be borrowing a few of your photos so that my non-ex-EY friends can see them too. Thanks in advance :D

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