Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rosie - Crestwood's Favorite Crossing Guard

Photo by KYLE McDANIEL (State Journal archives)

A great figure from my childhood has passed away - Rosie the crossing guard at Crestwood Elementary died of cancer on Saturday. This amazing woman was the crossing guard at Crestwood for 47 years! How many of us she protected and cared for, she always had a smile for us. I can't imagine anyone that would be more fondly remembered than her.

From the State Journal article about her:
Decked in a blaze orange vest with a stop sign in one hand and a cheery demeanor, Hiestand crossed nearly 10,000 children during her career, according to Madison police crossing guard supervisor Patti Knoche.

In 8,500 days of work over five decades, she likely missed fewer than 12 for illness. She never had a driver's license and walked twice each day up the hill on Old Sauk Road.

Everytime I ever drove by Crestwood, I would always look for Rosie and if she was there would honk and wave. A couple of times that I had been back to Madison for a visit I would stop and say hi. Last November when I was home visiting I made sure to pull over and say hi when I saw her, and take a photo with her. I had the opportunity to thank her for how well she took care of me when I was in elementary school, and how much she meant to me and countless others.
Rosie and I

Thank you Rosie for being such a wonderful caretaker of so many kids over the last half century. You will surely be missed by many former students, parents and teachers among countless others.

1 comment:

Laura said...

That's so nice, Silva. I admire how you make people feel special and go out of your way to include people that many others overlook.