Saturday, April 21, 2012

Catch Up: Laura's Visit

Laura Visit 1
As I mentioned in the Thanksgiving Post, Laura came for a short visit to NYC. The day after thanksgiving we took went on a bit of an adventure with her. One of the things she wanted to do while she was here was go to the MTA Transit Museum here in Brooklyn. It's something that Felipe and I had wanted to do for some time, and so it was the perfect opportunity.

Laura Visit 3
A photo of Laura in the read subway station - not the staged one you see at the museum.

Laura Visit 4
Token please!!

Laura Visit 5
One of the old cars from the 1930s.

Laura Visit 7
Another car very similar to the one above, but with slightly different seating.

Laura Visit 6

Laura Visit 8
On one of today's subway cars - minus all the people.

After the museum we walked back to Manhattan over the Brooklyn Bridge. Unfortunately I don't have many pictures from that and forgot to copy a few from Laura's camera. But I'm sure you all know what the Brooklyn Bridge looks like!

I know it wasn't the same day as the museum, maybe it was tuesday night Laura and I met felipe at work in the evening. They had a huge tree in the courtyard so we took some photos.
Laura Visit 2

And here's a photo of Felipe and I where I can only say that I think it looks like we're in space....
Felipe and I in space?

We had a really nice visit with Laura - and I think she enjoyed it too! (I know she did...she wrote a whole post about it here.) I hope she decides to come back sometime!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yes!! I want to come back...seeing Phantom is on my 101 list, after all :). And I'm still bummed your space picture didn't turn into your official family Christmas photo. Thanks again for hosting me, it was wonderful!