Saturday, April 21, 2012

Catch Up: Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 1
Throwing back to the crisp cool days of Autumn - here's my long delayed Thanksgiving post! Where was I?

My friend Laura, whom I've known since I was a freshman in high school, and went to college with, had come to NYC to spend Thanksgiving with me and Felipe. It was wonderful to have the time together - since we haven't had more than an hour here and there to hang out since college. Laura arrived on the Monday before thanksgiving (if I recall correctly) - but I had work all week. Thankfully Laura has done a lot of travel and is one independent gal and doesn't mind touring around on her own a bit. So during the week she went to a variety of touristy things (the tenement museum, Louis Armtrong's house, etc). On Wednesday night Felipe and I had an opera to go to, but I got out of work a bit early and went with Laura to see the Macy's balloons being inflated. She had plans to go to the parade itself - but I'm not one who's much for crowds like that, and I had cooking to do - so I went with her to see the balloons.

It was SUPER CROWDED!!! oh New York City, I shouldn't be surprised, it's a tradition for Thanksgiving. At least they were organized with how they allowed people to view the balloons. It was fun too to see them kind of "sleeping" on the ground before their big day.
Thanksgiving 2

Thanksgiving 3

Thanksgiving 4

After the balloons came back down to the apartment and I went to the opera with Felipe while Laura relaxed at home. She had to get up real early the next day - so relaxing was a good thing!

Thanksgiving day I did my usual prep and got the whole meal together. We don't get too fancy here - so I had the turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, and Laura made some terrific corn bread.
Thanksgiving 5

Thanksgiving 6
Sammi, Nicole and Mike joined us and we had a delicious dinner, played some games and just enjoyed the evening. And of course - we ate too much food...but not so much that there weren't left overs ;)

1 comment:

Laura said...

yay! It was fun to see these pictures again. It was a really great Thanksgiving, Silva.